Exercícios de inglês: atividade para treinar o inglês
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- Exercícios de Inglês
Good morning everyone! Vamos fazer uma atividade para treinar mais alguma combinações comuns no inglês? Relacione o início com o final nas frases abaixo, de acordo com a palavra que você imagina que vem na sequencia:
1. He knocked on the door again and…
2. They were dancing cheek to…
3. I do the same thing day in, day…
4. Driving a four by…
5. She was grinning from ear to…
6. They walked down the street hand in…
7. This car won’t keep running forever and…
8. As the balloon rises higher and…
9. She just keeps saying the same thing over and…
10. He tried to solve the problem time after…
a. … out. I need to do something different.
b. … ear as she accepted the prize.
c. … hand, talking to each other.
d. … over for hours.
e. … again until I finally answered.
f. … time but he failed.
g. … higher, the atmospheric pressure decreases and the temperature falls.
h. … cheek to their favorite song.
i. … four vehicle off-road, is different from driving an automobile on a highway.
j. … ever. You must buy a new one.
Responda nos comentários! E para conferir suas respostas, basta selecionar a área abaixo:
1e; 2h; 3a; 4i; 5b; 6c; 7j; 8g; 9d; 10f