Exercise: British English vs American English
- Categorias
- Exercícios de Inglês
Hey lads, mais um sabadão aqui. E como de costume aqui em nosso blog, hoje vamos praticar um pouquinho do nosso inglês. Uma das dúvidas constantes de aprendizes de inglês é a diferença entre o inglês britânico e o inglês americano. Então, vamos ver a diferença entre esses dois “dialetos” do mesmo idioma.
Replace the bold type expressions with their equivalents in British English. Substitua as expressões em negrito por sua equivalência em inglês Britânico.
1 – She’s preparing to take her final exams.
A) to sit her final exams
B) to make her final exams
2 – I’ve got loads of test papers to grade.
A) to write
B) to mark
3 – He announced his intention of running for Parliament.
A) racing for parliament
B) standing for Parliament
4 – He got fired for fighting at work.
A) got warm
B) got the sack
5 – I’d like to enroll in the French course, please.
A) to enroll on
B) to register for
6 – He tried to cut in line in front of me.
A) to push in
B) to enter the line
7 – You cook and I’ll do the dishes.
A) make the dishes
B) do the washing-up
8 – Can you vacuum the carpet, please?
A) aspirate
B) hoover
9 – My friend is so smooth at hitting on random girls.
A) chatting up
B) sounding off
Answer key:
1 – A 2 – B 3 – B 4 – B 5 – A 6 – A 7 – B 8 – B 9 – A
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