Iniciando e encerrando diálogos – exercícios para treinar o inglês

Hello guys and girls! Sabe quando alguém chega e pergunta “Você vem sempre aqui?”. Parece que todo mundo fala a mesma coisa, não é mesmo? Na verdade frases que iniciam ou terminam uma conversa são sempre bem parecidas, em português, em inglês em qualquer outra língua.

Será que você sabe identificar quais destas frases abaixo são usadas para iniciar ou terminar uma conversa?

Marque ( S ) para frases que são usadas para “start up a conversation” (iniciar uma conversa) e ( E )para as frases que são usadas para “end a conversation” (terminar uma conversa)

Ready? GO!

Are you a friend of Mark’s? ( )
How are you doing? ( )
The weather is great isn’t it? ( )
Hi. ( )
Take care. ( )
Let’s get together soon. ( )
Do you come here often? ( )
Oh, look at the time. I’ll have to go. ( )
You look familiar. Do I know you from somewhere? ( )
It’s been great talking to you. ( )
Nice place, huh? ( )
We have to make place to get together some time. ( )
It’s cold in here, isn’t it? ( )
Can I call you back? Something has come up. ( )
What’s your name? ( )
Let’s continue this another time. ( )
It’s been a real pleasure. ( )
Nice meeting you. ( )

Selecione a área abaixo para conferir as respostas! Have a great weekend!

Are you a friend of Mark’s? ( S )
How are you doing? ( S )
The weather is great isn’t it? ( S )
Hi. ( S )
Take care. ( E )
Let’s get together soon. ( E )
Do you come here often? ( S )
Oh, look at the time. I’ll have to go. ( E )
You look familiar. Do I know you from somewhere? ( S )
It’s been great talking to you. ( E )
Nice place, huh? ( S )
We have to make place to get together some time. ( E )
It’s cold in here, isn’t it? ( S )
Can I call you back? Something has come up. ( E )
What’s your name? ( S )
Let’s continue this another time. ( E )
It’s been a real pleasure. ( E )
Nice meeting you. ( E )

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